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Annual Wisconsin Gaming Regulators Association Conference

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Date: June 21 - 23, 2023

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Time: 8:00 AM CDT

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Venue: Carnegie Science Museum, Pittsburgh


The Wisconsin Gaming Regulators Association [WGRA] is a united group of regulators who come together regularly to discuss regulatory issues or concerns within the gaming industry. The annual conference is a great opportunity for sharing and gaining knowledge by expanding your gaming network.

You’ll also be able to hear our Global VP, Gaming, Melissa Aarskaug speak on cyber security.

For all the event details, visit their website.

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Bulletproof Session: Cybersecurity Surety for Tribal Gaming Organizations 

Thursday, June 22 | 2 PM CT

With the ever-increasing frequency and complexity of cyberattacks, it's no longer a question of if your tribal gaming organization will be targeted, it's a matter of when. Beyond maintaining compliance, regular security testing and a solid cybersecurity strategy are essential for maintaining your reputation and retaining the trust of your customers. Join Bulletproof’s Melissa Aarskaug as she breaks down the key advantages of security testing for tribal gaming organizations that go beyond compliance standards and what steps you can take to create a cybersecurity roadmap to better secure your future.

In this workshop, you’ll gain cybersecurity insights and actionable next steps to ensure the integrity and security of your tribal gaming organization, protecting your overall revenue & reputation.

Melissa Headshot

Melissa Aarskaug
Global VP, Gaming

Melissa brings over 10+ years of cybersecurity experience working in sales. Her outgoing personality and persistent hard work have helped her solidify trusting relationships with many clients including Gaming Operators, Suppliers, Regulators, Tribal Gaming & Enterprises, State Entities, Associations, etc.
Melissa is committed to maximizing her clients’ ROI through a deep understanding of the client’s challenges and identifying the right pathway to help organizations stay secure and compliant. She is also very passionate about mentoring women pursuing opportunities in STEM; helping to bridge the gaps in diversity, equity, and inclusion for women in technology.


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