Tribal Cybersecurity Essentials & Embracing Cloud-Based Technologies

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Event Details 

August 29th, 2023 | 1:00 PM ET

The growth of cyber-attacks and security breaches show no signs of slowing down – they are only accelerating and becoming easier for anyone, not just skilled hackers, to access your network. To combat this, many organizations such as tribes are ramping up their cybersecurity defenses and looking into cloud-based technologies as a solution to better secure and scale their IT environment while reducing their costs and risk.
In today’s session, our expert will provide you with industry insights on cybersecurity essentials and how your tribal organization can and should start embracing cloud-based technologies to strengthen your operations.

Book a Meeting with MelissaHosted By

Melissa Aarskaug, Global VP, Gaming

Melissa brings over 10+ years of cybersecurity experience working in sales. Her outgoing personality and persistent hard work have helped her solidify trusting relationships with many clients including Gaming Operators, Suppliers, Regulators, Tribal Gaming & Enterprises, State Entities, Associations, etc.
Melissa is committed to maximizing her clients’ ROI through a deep understanding of the client’s challenges and identifying the right pathway to help organizations stay secure and compliant. She is also very passionate about mentoring women pursuing opportunities in STEM; helping to bridge the gaps in diversity, equity, and inclusion for women in technology.
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