Patch the vulnerabilities in your people

How prepared are you and your end users to detect and react to a cyber threat? 

Transform your people from cybercrime targets to active  contributors to your cybersecurity.

Our approach starts with your people - protecting and empowering them through education and simulated cyber-attacks. Our approach also helps organizations improve processes, build a stronger cybersecurity culture through the introduction of personal and organizational risk scores, and understand and fix cybersecurity technology gaps. Bulletproof’s Cybersecurity Awareness Service is a user awareness solution in the market today that solves the difficult problem of end-user adoption and buy-in.

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Cyber-Tried, Tested, and True Results

  • 80% of employees say they're more aware of cybersecurity and their role in protecting their company because of their experience with our platform
  • Average phishing rates decreased from 25% to less than 8%
  • Over 60% reduction in IT staff time in cybersecurity awareness program management
  • Return on Investment of less than one year from internal cost savings for help desk and IT security staff 

What Your Organization Will Get

  • A world-class targeted phishing and user awareness education service that is easy to understand and helps strengthen your security posture by improving the awareness and security of your most valuable assets, your people.
  • Security Policy Templates to help build your initial security policy framework. 
  • An expert review of your organization’s specific risk scores including training recommendations for closing gaps. 
  • Phone and email support for designated champions on escalated issues. All incidents will be logged into our system and displayed in your dashboard in real-time. 
  • Don’t know who to turn to when you have a breach or need a forensic investigation? Skip the line! Our service bundle entitles you to preferential access to additional incident response security services when you need them even without a Security Operations Center contract. Incident response services are fee-based and the Bulletproof Security Team is standing by when you need them.
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Get the Winning IT Strategy Your Small Business Needs This Year 


Shrinking workforces, growing technology and cybersecurity concerns. How can you continue to grow optimally, efficiently, and at scale while maintaining a diverse team of specialists in YOUR business?


From project execution to 24/7 support, there’s more than one reason to consider outsourcing your IT.