We hope to see you at ILTACON!

Book Your Meeting With Our IT, Security, & Compliance Experts.

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Date: August 11-15, 2024

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Location: Nashville, TN

We are thrilled to announce we will be part of this year's ILTACON! This 4.5 days conference is the perfect opportunity for legal professionals to network, explore comprehensive peer-driven programs, and educational content.

Law firms store incredibly valuable, sensitive information, making them ripe targets for potential hackers. Our Bulletproof experts will be onsite at ILTACON with insights on the main risks the average law firm faces and how Bulletproof can help optimize your firm's cyber security approach. 

Visit our team of experts at Booth #916 to discuss into all aspects of IT Security.

You can also get to know our team below!

Learn more about this event here.

Meet Our Team

Martin Montlaisir
Vice President Managed Services
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Ryan Sauls
Ryan Sauls
Director Managed Service Provider
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Kimberly Larsson
Senior Account Executive
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