We hope to see you at BSides Fredericton!

November 6

Book Your Meeting With Our IT, Security, & Compliance Experts.

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Date: November 6, 2024

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Location: Fredericton, NB, Canada

Join us at this year's BSides Fredericton 2024 event.

Bulletproof is a Champion level sponsor - Be sure to stop by our table and meet with our Bulletproof experts who will be raffling off some local Fredericton gift cards and goodies!

The BSides events are dynamic, community-led gatherings that serve as a platform for the information security community to connect, share, and innovate.  BSides is an intense, immersive experience where the conversations and ideas shaping the future of information security come to life.

Stop by Booth #  to meet our team of IT security experts and dive into  discussions on all facets of cybersecurity. Get acquainted with our experts below!

Not registered yet? Visit: https://www.bsidesfredericton.ca/

For full agenda, click here.

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Speaking Session

Roberto Martinez (1)

Roberto Martinez
Practice Lead, Cybersecurity

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Ballroom | November 6th, 10:15 am

Hunting Threats as Security Ninja

In today’s digital landscape, threats to cybersecurity are more sophisticated and elusive than ever before. "Hunting Threats as Security Ninja" is a talk dedicated to exploring advanced techniques and methodologies for identifying and neutralizing these hidden dangers with the precision and stealth of a ninja. This session aims to equip cybersecurity professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to stay ahead of adversaries.



Meet Our Team

Rebecca White Headshot 2023

Rebecca White 
Director, Managed Service Provider

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Tim Cox (1)

Tim Cox
Senior Account Executive
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