Demystifying Cloud Security For Casino Gaming

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Businesses across industries are migrating to cloud-based services, and the gaming industry is no exception. As operations shift and more and more systems, data, and computing power are migrated to the cloud, a whole new level of security needs to be considered. Your on-premises security may be top-of-the-line, but different precautions, plans, and programs are required to guarantee the same level of security to your online and cloud-based systems and data. How do you know if your security setup can weather the risks brought on by cloud computing? 
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What is Cloud Security?

Just because the cloud enables your information to be accessed from anywhere, does not mean you want it to be accessed by anyone. Cloud security guards your data, applications, and infrastructure hosted in the cloud from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. 

Cloud security is vital for casino gaming organizations as more companies globally are shifting their data and applications from on-premises to the cloud or adopting a hybrid model. But, depending on how your gaming organization managed its transition to the cloud, there can be risks and vulnerabilities depending on if it was implemented properly from start to finish.

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“By 2024, more than 45% of IT spending on system infrastructure, infrastructure software, application software, and business process outsourcing will shift from traditional solutions to the cloud.”

Source: Gartner 

Understanding Cloud Security Risks

Whether you’re considering moving to the cloud or are mid-migration, there are advantages and disadvantages to bringing your gaming organization online without considering the related security risk. Proper planning, transparency, and a knowledgeable team are a must.
Organizations that swiftly transition to the cloud without proper configurations, management, and maintenance are much more vulnerable to cyber threats such as hacking and data breaches. To better combat this, it’s important to take proactive measures to better manage and protect your cloud-based casino gaming systems and data. 

Consider the variety of technologies that require protection. For example, the increase and adoption of “the internet of things” and the growing number of devices constantly connected online have created new vulnerabilities or opportunities for malicious players to exploit. 

Additionally, new technologies may disrupt existing systems and create new risks. For example, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has theoretically unknown risks, and it is prudent to seek the counsel and support of experts to help assess the risk of these potential disruptions to your organization.

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“40% of organizations using cloud storage accidentally leaked data to the public.”

– Cyber Defense Magazine

Key Advantages and Drawbacks to Consider When Moving to the Cloud

Advantages  GLI Map Element (11)

Cost-Effective: Cloud services can be more cost-effective than on-premises solutions as they typically do not require significant upfront investments in hardware and infrastructure.

Scalable: Cloud services will provide you with the ability to scale your computing resources up or down as you need to, making it easy to meet constantly changing gaming industry demands.

Flexibility: Cloud services offer people the flexibility of where and how to access your data, which is beneficial for companies that have adopted remote work and team collaboration.

Disaster Recovery: Cloud services often include strong disaster recovery abilities, which can help you to ensure business continuity in the event of an unexpected outage or disaster. 

Automatic Updates: Cloud services typically offer automatic updates and upgrades, which can help to ensure that your systems are always up-to-date and secure.

Drawbacks GLI Map Element (12)

Security: Cloud services may be vulnerable to security breaches. It may be much more difficult to maintain control over your data when it is stored on a third-party platform. Therefore, it’s critical to ensure you have the proper resources and tools to continuously maintain your cloud-based IT environment.

Compliance Concerns: Compliance regulations may require you to maintain control over your data, infrastructure, and location in the state of operation, which may be difficult to achieve with cloud services.

Necessity of Internet Connection: Cloud services require a reliable internet connection to access data, which may be a concern in remote areas with poor connectivity.

Inadequate Ability to Customize: Cloud services may not offer the same level of customization as on-premises solutions do now in the gaming industry, which may limit your ability to tailor your systems to your specific needs.

Service Reliability: While cloud services offer disaster recovery capabilities, they may still be vulnerable to service outages or interruptions, which could impact your ability to access your data.

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“These days, players can enjoy their favorite casino games from the comfort of their homes, and all they need is a computer or mobile device and an internet connection.”

Source: Analytics Insight

How Casinos Can Embrace the Cloud without Increasing Security Risks:

GLI Map Element (13)Seek Expert Support
Choose a trusted cloud service provider that understands you and your needs. It’s very important to select a cloud service provider with a solid track record of security and compliance. Look for providers who have established security protocols, can demonstrate their compliance with relevant regulations, and have extensive experience in the gaming industry.

GLI Map Element (14)Train & Educate Your Employees
Educating your employees on security best practices is a critical component of any organization’s long-term security strategy. Ensure that your employees are mindful and aware of the risks that are associated with cloud services and are properly trained on how to use them securely.

GLI Map Element (22)Protect Sensitive Data
Typically, encryption happens by default at the infrastructure and network level. However, an issue that could arise is when people allow public share access to the file, and they expose the data unencrypted. Therefore, it’s critical to protect your data from unauthorized users and access. 

GLI Map Element (19)Monitor Security Threats
Frequently monitoring your cloud services for security threats is vital for detecting and responding to potential security breaches before they happen. Consider using security monitoring tools like a security incident and event management (SIEM) platform and qualified people to help you identify and alert you to any potential threats.

GLI Map Element (20)Implement Access Controls
Access controls are an important part of any security strategy. Ensure your casino is implementing strong access controls for your cloud services, including multi-factor authentication, role-based access controls, and access logging and monitoring. 

GLI Map Element (21)Stay Up to Date on Security Best Practices 
Compliance rules and regulations are constantly changing, and the security landscape is ever-evolving. It's important to stay up to date on best practices for securing your cloud services. Attend industry-specific events, ask your peers, read industry publications, and stay informed about emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

HS CTA Gaming eBook (1)

A Guide For How Gaming Organizations Can Tackle I.T. and Security Hurdles

Today’s digital landscape has changed how the gaming industry operates, introducing new platforms, devices, and even business models. With the rise of online gaming and the exponential popularity of smartphones, gaming organizations need to adapt, pivoting with consumer behaviors. But this technological shift has also opened the door to more cybercrime than ever.

Many key players in the industry aren’t fully aware of how cyber threats have grown, both in severity and frequency. They may have IT staff in place to respond to threats, but no way of knowing if their defenses are really able to handle new challenges. 

Learn how to strengthen your defenses against modern cybercriminals with this eBook.



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